Ojai artist exhibits tiny paintings in Ventura | Culture | ojaivalleynews.com

2022-08-12 20:48:50 By : Ms. USAMS SZ

“Lake Water 2,” 5-by-7-inch oil on board, by Bonnie Quan.

“Lake Water 2,” 5-by-7-inch oil on board, by Bonnie Quan.

Ojai artist Bonnie Quan will exhibit alongside artists Tamiko Jordan and Michelle Nosco until Oct. 1 in Buenaventura Art Association’s Studio 99 at Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura.

A First Friday reception will be held at Studio 99, from 6 to 9 p.m. on Sept. 2. For more information about Buenaventura Art Association and its programs, call the gallery at 805-648-1235 or visit buenaventuraartassociation.org.

Quan’s collective is called “Tiny Paintings: A Mini-Retrospective.”

Quan will have about 28 oil paintings done on board, each 4-by-6 inches to 8-by-8 inches (most are 5-by-7 inches). She began painting in oils at age 12, she said, and recently has been creating abstracts and abstract landscapes using palette knives rather than brushes.

“I like to suggest landscapes, rather than attempt to reproduce reality,” she said. “These are little paintings that I’ve done over the last five years. I love seeing what the paint and palette knives cause to happen on the surface.”

Studio 99’s regular hours are noon to 4 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

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